Thursday, December 08, 2005

more pictures

These are pictures from last weekend. Pumpkin thought that he wanted to go outside, but realized that he didn't really want to be there once his little paws touched the snow.

Katherine and I made cookies on Saturday. It was hard work ;) but fun. Too bad there aren't any left.......

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

It is cold!

Well, I just wanted everyone to know that it is -10 degrees here today, with a wind chill around -25 degrees. So, you ask how cold that is? Well let's just say it can be painfully cold......bbrrrrrr.....
As with any negative there is a positive, there is a good reason to drink lots of hot chocolate:) with marshmallows of course.
I have some more pictures of this past weekend when we got more snow but forgot to bring them today, will have to post tomorrow.

Friday, December 02, 2005

It's Friday!

It's finally Friday! Yeah, yipppeeee!
Here are some pictures that Nelson took yesterday when he went out for a walk. Guess he had to get away from his Calculus for awhile, I don't blame him

Hope everyone has a great weekend! I am baking cookies with Katherine tomorrow, it's going to be great, lots and lots of cookies to eat.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

More snow!

We had a beautiful snow fall last night and got a couple inches of snow. Nelson got up this morning and did all the shoveling, got my truck ready to go and even drove me to work, what a sweetie.
Sugar Bear and Cocomo thought that it would be fun to eat the snow and then they ran all around the backyard playing in it. I wonder if their feet get cold?
So, back to it Friday yet?