Tuesday, May 30, 2006


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Well, I had a great bday. The morning started off with breakfast at Stomping Grounds where I had a vege quiche and a cappaccino, it was dellllliiicccoussssss. Then Nelson and I loaded up the truck and headed about 30 minutes out of town to do some fishing in the river. We both put our waders on and went in, but no such luck. Guess the water was running too fast for the fish, who knows. Then, I spent the afternoon reading a great book while Nelson was busy preparing a fabulous dinner. We had some friends over for dinner and then had two cakes, yep, two. Reminds me of all those birthdays that I shared with Stacey, we always had two cakes. Except these were both for me, ha. It was great, I was up for awhile after all of that sugar. Katherine the cake was great, I knew you could bake, no more excuses now.......oh, that home-made ice cream was delicious too.....

Thanks everyone for the calls and just such a great day.....

Here is also some video from the evening using my new camera :)


The Lucas Family said...

WOW the video is AWESOME!!!!! I want one!! I think i might have to do something like that so I can put Matthew on there. Did dad say he was able to view it? Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND YOUR CAKES LOOKED GREAT! LOVE YOU

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a terrific birthday. I had some bday cake, too...Stacey's...mmm...good.