Sunday, May 06, 2007

It has been a little while since the last post.....things have been rather crazy here. Why is it when you think you have things figured out a new problem arises???? We have been having sleep issues with Andrew. Finally yesterday we found that the bouncy chair works really well and who really cares if that is where he sleeps, as long as he sleeps. Where did the term sleep like a baby come from anyway? I sure wouldn't want to sleep like Andrew, who wiggles and wakes himself up every fifteen minutes are so. I keep telling myself that this is a phase and will pass...the only way to get through the crying yesterday. For two days he wouldn't take a pacifier.....then today.....he did...thank goodness!!

It is going to be a rough week, the start of daycare on Wednesday.....can I just say BOO HOO!

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