Me and mom before daycare
Sleeping in dad's arms
No, I will not smile on demand
Sleeping in dad's arms
No, I will not smile on demand
Sorry for the blogging hiatus. A lot has been going on here in Ames. We have both been really busy with work and keeping everything in order at home. Andrew and I had quite an adventure this week, not one that I would want again. We were coming home from daycare when the tornado sirens went off. If you don't know this, I am SCARED of bad weather. So, I called Nelson and he said that there wasn't anything on the news. However, there was a train and I certainly wasn't about to get taken out by a tornado sitting at a train. So, I pulled in to Dollar General where I could barely see, the wind had picked up so much dirt. Once inside I felt better however the building didn't look that sturdy, not very many people were worried. Then, Andrew spit up all over the floor, of course I had left all supplies in the car. Well, the siren stopped and we went back to the car and started again on the way home. Well, the siren started again, this time the sky looked bad and it was really windy. Apparently Iowans are not that concerned about tornados as everyone seemed to be going 5 mph. I was scared. It started looking worse and worse and I made the decision to pull into the hospital (what a perfect place to be). Anyway, I ripped in there, yanked Andrew out of his seat. There were huge wind gusts that seemed to almost blow me away. Poor Nelson was still at the house waiting for me and my phone wouldn't work. Needless to say I eventually made it home (usually only a four minute drive, turned 45 minutes). There was a tornado, but no damage, from what I heard. Andrew's first bad weather experience and all he could do was smile, what a baby!
On another note...Andrew is doing great. He is now 12 weeks old and surprises us everyday with new things that he does. This week he made funny noises with his mouth, I can't even begin to describe them.
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