Thursday, August 30, 2007

It's so wonderful to wake up to cute little noises and coos that we hear in the room next to us (of course Andrew's room). I think about getting up, what needs to be done for the day and just when I am about ready to hop out of bed and get to it, I see the alarm clock, what?? only 1:00 am! Why oh why is that cute little boy playing at this time of the morning??? For the past few days Andrew has had great playtime in the middle of the night. To our amazement he even turned on his crib music. When we ventured into the room to see how this was possible we found his feet kicking the music machine and his head under the blanket, just a little turned around. It is very sweet to hear this, however it would be even sweeter if it was somewhere around the 5am hour.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to that! LOVE YOU GUYS! See you soon! Sorry I haven't talked to you in a while alish. Seems like every time you call I miss it!