Friday, February 17, 2006

Nelson Survivies!!!!!!!

As you all know Nelson has been studying and studying and studying. He had his first physics test last night and PASSED! YIPPPEEEEE!!! Not that I didn't think that he could do it, because I certainly did. However, the fact that 50% of the 600 students in the class fail, it is a huge accomplishment. Way to go Nelson!!!!!!!!

We got a couple inches of snow yesterday, it was pretty for the moment. Today it has yet to get above zero degrees and the windchills have been down to -20 degrees. Anyone want to come visit????? However, it is good hot chocolate drinking weather and I just finished a cup. Gotta get back to work. Miss everyone.


Anonymous said...

Hey you two ,well congrats Nel . We knew you could co it.WELL I hope ya'll are staying warm.Just to let you know Maw Maw Sable is back in the hospital in icu again.She has a staff infection in her lungs and some kind of problem with her heart. well talk to you two soon . Love Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Hey NELSO! Glad you survivied! HAHA I know it was a toughie! Talk to you all later! Hope you stay warm...and no, i don't think i'll visit in that cold of weather!!